The number one selling formula for cleansing and soothing the urinary tract.
Uriclear® by PHS

Uriclear® / Uriclear®Plus


Uriclear® by PHS is the number one selling natural UTI formulation.

"Incredible relief, thank you." Susan Barden, Los Angeles, CA.

Helped eased the passage during a kidney stone episode. "Al Franke" Santa Monica, CA.

I take Uriclear on a regular basis to keep healthy. "Samuel Parker" Los Angeles, CA.

Uriclear® by PHS and Uriclear® Plus by PHS are proprietary herbal formulations, designed to help with cleansing of the urinary tract. Uriclear® Plus liquid contains added CCPE™ Homeopathic remedies and stabilized Colloidal Silver 15ppm.
Uriclear’s® unique herbal formulation contains some of natures most wonderful herbal gifts available for Urinary problems. A multi-functional formulation, the herbs in Uriclear help to soothe the urinary tract lining making it non adhesive to bacteria, flush the urinary tract by increasing flow and filtration, reduce spasm, calm inflammation and many of the herbal constituents are shown through modern research to help fight infection.
Uriclear’s® cleansing ability. Uriclear and especially Uriclear® Plus are very helpful in speeding recovery from Urinary infections. Uriclear® however stands alone as a primary detoxification and cleansing formulation for the urinary tract. As a drainage and cleansing formula Uriclear® helps to cleanse and tonify the urinary system. The herbs contained in Uriclear® are known to be helpful in the reduction in size and in smoothing the passing of kidney stones.
Uriclear® is available in 2 or 4 oz liquid extraction or 90 capsule bottles.
Uriclear® Plus is available in 2 or 4 oz liquid extraction only.

The urinary system, also known as the renal system, consists of the two kidneys, two ureters the bladder, and the urethra. Each kidney consists of millions of functional units called nephrons. The purpose of the renal system is to eliminate wastes from the body, regulate blood volume and pressure, control levels of electrolytes and metabolites, and regulate blood pH.

A UTI or urinary tract infection is usually caused by Escherichia Coli although it can be caused by other bacteria or viruses. The infection can be located in one or all of the bladder, kidneys or less commonly the ureters and urethra.
Signs and symptoms of UTIs are: frequent urination, burning upon urination, urging to urinate and low back pain. In the case of an infection of the kidney; fever, side pain and nausea and vomiting may be present. Lab results may reveal immune cells, and more rarely, pus, or blood in the urine.

To order Uriclear® and many other fine products, click here.